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Erotic massage salon
+7 (905) 568-99-16 (WhatsApp, Viber)
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Rules of the erotic massage salon EDEN

  • Salon does not provide sex services – STRICTLY WITHOUT SEX!
  • We do not provide services to people under the age of 18.
  • You must visit the shower before erotic massage.
  • It is forbidden to bring alcohol and drugs and come in alcoholic intoxication.
  • It is prohibited to bring any kind of firearms, gas and cold weapons for your safety and the safety of other guests.
  • In order to protect the privacy of our guests and employees of the salon, any photo shooting and video recordings are PROHIBITED!
  • Services of erotic massage are not medical, specialist consultation is not required.
  • The salon of erotic massage is a public place of leisure.
  • Your social status and privacy issues do not matter. Our masseuses will not ask unnecessary questions, but they will happily listen to you, if you prefer.
  • In the salon during the session of erotic massage there can be other visitors. When you visit the salon, please maintain silence.
  • The time spent in the erotic massage salon is paid not less than the minimum cost.
  • The administration has the right to oblige you to leave the massage parlor in case of disrespect to employees or other guests. Our masseuses have nothing to do with intimate services and are not prostitutes.
  • Delicate touches are allowed to the body of the masseuse, without the use of physical strength to the masseuse, insisting and inducing intimacy and penetrating caresses – if the rules are not observed, the masseuse has the right to terminate the program. In these cases, money for the service is not returned.
  • For the attempt to provide intimate services, the masseuse will be fired! Sex is strictly prohibited.
  • The administration has the right to refuse to you in visiting the salon without explaining the reasons.